* Committee Reports
- Treasurer's report: $15,580.05
- Corporate donations for the 2015 Walk-A-Thon: close to $2,000
*Box Tops
- raised goal to $4,500
- letters to be sent home discussing box tops and how to collect,
each parent that signs up can earn GES 5 bonus tops
- deadline 10/23/15, first shipment 11/1/15
- working on new Pirate buck to put box tops on and will look into prizes for kids
that bring in box tops
*2015 Walk-A-Thon
-Friday 9/25/15, begin at high school track at 8:45 am and should finish around noon,
If it rains, the event will be moved indoors to both gyms
- 9/25/15 has been designated as hat day also
- Currently close to $2,000 in monetary donations with several prize donations. Will run
prizes on powerpoint with announcements so students can decide what prize they will
pick before the day of the walk-a-thon.
-Walking times: K-9:45, 1-9:15, 2-11:15, 3-10:15, 4-10:45, 5-8:45
*New Business
- Family Fun Nights- Pirate Boosters have discussed changing up family fun night. Boosters
still want to sponsor these events but change them to make them more enticing for
families. Plan to keep the format the same in the fall as far as students singing but also
provide a chance for parents to see student's classrooms and how students are using
technology. In the spring, cluster the grades and have a more activity centered evening.
*Spirit Shirts
- Boosters provided shirts to all students and have shirts for students who move to this
school. To maximize money for students, we asked staff to buy spirit shirts if they
wanted them but sold them at cost.
*American Educational Week November 16-20
- In the past the Boosters have either provided a staff luncheon or a "souper bowl" in
February. Asking the committee to let us know their suggestions so we can plan
accordingly if we can help
- Linda Kramer - on committee- theme is salad them, "All tossed together", each day
will dress like different salad dressing
*Additional items
- Follow GES Pirate Boosters on Facebook- GES Boosters and Twitter @BoostersGes