*Committee Reports
-Box Tops- spring collection due March 1st. Needs turned in by 2/26/16. Still having
trouble getting turned in correctly with dollar bills, will do something different next year.
will have teachers turn in pencils and eraser prizes to use as prizes for next year's walk
-a-thon. Each grade level to get $454.32
-Treasurer's Report - current balance $38,603.69.
*Old Business
-Derick Grant performed for all students.
- Santa visits- each grade level received presents, Boosters appreciate the thank you
-Teacher envelopes- please email when you put in PTO box. Due by 4/30/16.
- Staff appreciation coffee break- Boosters hosted for GES staff with the help of
parent volunteers. Was a success.
*New Business
- Convocations- Poetry Alive will be April 6 sponsored by Psi Iota Xi. Extreme Science will
be May 23rd.
-Book fair- May 17-27
- Doughnuts with Dads and Muffins with Moms - changed to 3 days instead of 2. Dads
will be April 12, 13, 14 and Moms will be May 10, 11, 12. Discussion of how these days
will go, Boosters to hand out forms and then each dad will have a ticket to bring to the
school the morning of the event. Will consider having on a Saturday next year with
possibly dads in the fall and moms in the spring.
- April 12th- National Drop Everything and Read day- Lynn Herbert has been doing
research for different ideas to get students excited about reading. She will email each
grade level rep ideas to see if they want to do.
- Booster Bash- open house concept, 2 time frames. Help from YMCA, Zumba
instructors, DCMH. Possibly have bounce houses and the band Fire by Night performing. -School supply fundraiser was discussed- will not be doing.
- 2016 Walk-a-Thon - discussed difficulty getting corporate sponsors and will start
advertising more activities/convocations that are sponsored by Walk-a-thon funds.
- Ideas for next year- dog tags for character awards, musical, a student centered activity
every 9 weeks, kick off at beginning of the school year, dress up week, giving tree idea
at open house, Facebook group for volunteers, spirit shirts, science family fun night,
activity fund for teachers.
*Next meeting Monday April 25 at 6:30 pm -last meeting for 2015-2016 school year.