High Ability Exit Procedure

High Ability Exit Procedure


It is a goal of the High Ability Program that each student grows to the maximum of his/her personal potential. However, this program may not be the best placement for every identified child. In the event that a student experiences difficulty in the program, the following steps will take place:


  • Step One – Meeting with parents to indicate areas of concerns and to identify an instructional plan of interventions and support. Begin plan implementation immediately. Student work and data should be presented to support areas of concern. Begin collecting data and work samples to include in student folders as documentation. This step should be completed as soon as concern is detected and sufficient data is available. Interventions should take place for approximately 2 months. (Form I)


  • Step Two – Meeting with parents and child. Share current data and progress to date. Review interventions put in place to support student. Administration, classroom teacher, and HA teacher should be present. Decision to continue in or dismiss from program decided. (Form II)


It is realistic to accept that this program may not be appropriate for some students. Ultimately, the Director of Curriculum and teachers involved will make the final decision regarding continuation or exit from the HA program.  The intent of the HA Program is to provide appropriate challenge according to need. While this does not mean a greater amount of work, it does mean a different kind of work.